Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Week Fourteen

I read JTHM in high school but when I saw it on the reading for this week I decided to go back and read it all over again to look for anything new that popped out at me. It really is one of the most graphic (gory) comics out there today. The gore factor reminds me somewhat of underground comics and how violent they could be. But JTHM is really something else, Ive never seen another comic that focused and delved so deeply into the conscious of a homicidal maniac. It seems like it should disturb a lot more people than it does. Perhaps this is because people are always entertained and fascinated by violence, blood and sex.
I also read the online comic "The Less Than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal". It was surprisingly good. The chapters werent that long but they moved the story forward. It was also nice to see some of the panels without any text and have them slowly lead to panels with them talking. The title fits perfectly, although theres nothing "epic" about what they are doing, the reader is pulled into the story because of the characters themselves. this comic doesnt need fancy drawing or action at every turn. It has its own quiet charm.

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